La vallée mystérieuse — 12 of 14

Otto Grimwald

Release 1

Part 3 - vorple (for Z-machine only)

Include Multimedia by The Vorple Project.

Include Notifications by The Vorple Project.

Include Hypertext by The Vorple Project.

Include Tooltips by The Vorple Project.

Release along with the "vorple_retro" interpreter.

When play begins (this is the preload images rule):

preload images { "instruments_2x.png", "poisson_2x.png", "chien_2x.png", "chien_attaque_2x.png", "couteau_2x.png" }.

When play begins:

display image "vallee_titre01_2x.png";

play ogg sound file "borage.ogg".

Before examining something (called T):

if T is instruments, display image "instruments_2x.png";

if T is tableau de bord, display image "instruments_2x.png";

if T is poisson, display image "poisson_2x.png";

if T is couteau, display image "couteau_2x.png";

if T is chien


if chien is hostile


display image "chien_attaque_2x.png";


display image "chien_2x.png";

end if;

end if.

After entering Desert, display image "vallee_mysterieuse_01_2x.png".

[After entering Desert, eval "jQuery('link[href="invert.css"]').remove()".

eval "" = execute JavaScript command ""]

[When play begins, eval "alert('Hello World!')".]

After looking when in Desert:

display image "vallee_mysterieuse_01_2x.png";

eval "disableInvert ()".

After opening boîte for the first time:

if boîte contains couteau


display image "couteau_2x.png";

continue the action;

end if.

Casting xyzzy is an action applying to nothing.

Casting yzzyx is an action applying to nothing.

Understand "xyzzy" as casting xyzzy.

Understand "yzzyx" as casting yzzyx.

Carry out casting xyzzy:

eval "enableInvert ()".

Carry out casting yzzyx:

eval "disableInvert ()".

[ to intercept basic hyperlinks commands by emshort]

To say set link (N - a number):

do nothing.

[display "ABOUT" linking to command "about".]

To say end link:

do nothing.