La vallée mystérieuse — 6 of 14

Otto Grimwald

Release 1

Chapter 5 - Médias

[Figure of couverture is the file "couverture.png".]

Figure of intro is the file "vallee_titre01_2x.png".

Figure of instruments is the file "instruments_2x.png".

Figure of vallee01 is the file "vallee_mysterieuse_01_2x.png".

Figure of poisson is the file "poisson_2x.png".

Figure of chien is the file "chien_2x.png".

Figure of chien attaque is the file "chien_attaque_2x.png".

Figure of cabane is the file "cabane_2x.png".

Figure of couteau is the file "couteau_2x.png".

Figure of arbre01 is the file "arbre01.png".

Sound of theme principal is the file "la_vallee_mysterieuse.ogg".

Sound of orage is the file "borage.ogg".

The File of nosound is called "nosound".