Chapter 2 - Inclusion d[']extensions
[Include Large Game Speedup by Andrew Plotkin.]
Include French by Eric Forgeot.
Use French Language.
Include Escapades by Eric Forgeot.
Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short.
Include Punctuation Removal by Emily Short.
The last command is an indexed text that varies.
After reading a command:
remove apostrophes;
now the last command is the player's command;
let n be indexed text;
let n be the player's command;
replace the regular expression "(.*) l (.*)" in n with "\1 \2";
replace the regular expression "(.*) l (.*)" in the last command with "\1 \2";
[say "([last command])[line break]"; ]
change the text of the player's command to the last command.
[The artichaud is in avion.] [Understand "l artichaud" as artichaud.]